22 Jun, 2018
How To Start a Small Ice Cream Business – Part 2
Ice cream businesses are probably the most visited shops by kids and adults alike. Understandably so as ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world. It’s been around since the 1500s as a treat for royalty in Europe. But thankfully, now anyone can get a scoop of rocky road whenever they want!
Step 6: Decide on a Location
Where should you open an ice cream store? As usual, that depends on your business mode.
If you’re an ice cream truck, then you can just cruise around wherever there are large populations of kids in peak season like summer time. In addition, parks, sporting events, and residential neighborhoods are all prime locations. If you’re opening a store, you want to make sure you’re in an area with lots of foot traffic, high visibility, lots of lighting, and easy access to get into and out of the parking lot and store.
If you’re not sure what to look for, identify a successful ice cream shop and analyze what makes their location such a great one. Operating an ice cream parlor is a lot of work. Make it as easy as possible for yourself by choosing a location which helps attract customers.
Step 7: Find Suppliers
What equipment do you need to open an ice cream store?
According to the NICRA, you’ll need the following:
But remember that your store might not need all this. So save yourself some money and only get the equipment you need.
Step 8: Promote Your Ice Cream Business
Without any customers, it doesn’t matter how great your ice cream is. Customers are the most important thing any business needs to succeed. So how do you promote your new business?
Well, there’s the old fashioned way and the modern technology way. You need to be doing both!
First, some visible signage up so people can easily see your shop as they pass by. Of course, you’ve got to use attractive, clean photos of your offerings so people know what to expect.
Stand on the sidewalk and hand out coupons and flyers to passersby.
Let people know that you’ve set up shop and that it’s open.
Do the same at local sporting events and parks. Go where your target market is! People love a good coupon, and giving away a free scoop of ice cream is worth the $0.47 cost to bring in a new customer more so if they bring friends!
Step 9: Decide on a Style/Design
Deciding on a style for your ice cream store can be a challenge.
You want to represent your personality, but not scare away any clients who may not share your passion for neon everything. The best suggestion I can offer would be to talk to your ideal customers and see what they like! Instead of guessing, just ask. No doubt you have friends who love ice cream. So start with them.
You can also meet with equipment suppliers and ask their opinion. At the same time, you can look at other stores you love for inspiration. But make sure to focus on an efficient workflow for employees, as well as adequate flow pattern for customers.